Need another way to support your favorite Grenadier…Thirty-One is here! Just simply click on the link or share it, and shop!
- Browse our large selection of organization solutions, stylish accessories and diverse personalization options.
- “ADD TO CART” to purchase an item or “PERSONALIZE” to add a unique touch!
- For every $35 spent, select a Customer Special, a select purse for only $25!
- Once you are finished shopping, “VIEW CART” then select “BEGIN CHECKOUT”. Enter your name, e-mail and phone number. Please include the last name of the student you are supporting after your last name in parenthesis. Ensure at the bottom of the page you are shopping with your organization. If you are not, simply select “Choose Party” and find your organization’s name.
- Review you order and submit! Ashley will contact you within 24 hours to confirm receipt of you order and the student you are supporting.