March 12, 2019
Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws
Section to be amended is:
Section 7 Duties of Officers
Officers of the Liberty High School Grenadier Band & Orchestra Parents Club shall now be:
A. President
B. Vice President of Volunteers
C. Vice President of Student Accounts and Student Fundraisers
D. Treasurer
E. Secretary
Duties of Executive Committee Officers:
A. President – Shall preside at all meetings of the LHSGB&OPC, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and task forces.
B. Vice President of Student Accounts – Shall be responsible for maintaining and posting of students’ quotas and coordinating student fundraisers.
C. Vice President of Volunteer Coordination – Shall be responsible for securing volunteers and coordinating any events/activities as required for of the LHSGB&OPC. Coordinates any fundraising that benefits the LHSGB&OPC as a whole. Shall perform all duties of the president when the president is absent or the office has been vacated.
D. Treasurer – Shall have charge and keep accurate records of all the LHSGB&OPC funds. The Treasurer shall make disbursements to execute administrative business in conjunction with the approved budget and in accordance with Article IV Section 9. The Treasurer shall submit a monthly financial report showing monthly, year-to-date, and budgeted expenditures. The Treasurer shall submit the financial records for an annual audit by an independent auditor and submit any required filings or reports, which should be completed as soon as possible after the end of the LHSGB&OPC’s fiscal year.
E. Secretary – Shall keep a record of all proceedings of the LHSGB&OPC, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee, and handle the LHSGB&OPC’s correspondence. The secretary shall keep and provide minutes of the general meeting to the membership as well as take attendance at all meetings.
Approved by unanimous vote at April 9, 2019 meeting