At Large Meeting
January 19, 2023
Attendance: Mr. Frank, Mr. Lennox, Tina Martucci, Cory Dailey, Nikki Giannaras, Jacqui Fortsch, Deana Aquiar, Rita Haberstumpf, Jeanette Dennis,
Mr. MacGill, Stacey Gabriel
Mr. Frank (Director)
*Mr. Frank would like to share what we are doing as a band with the At Large Committee. We have had 64 gigs so far this year. There are a lot of great things going on!
*Middle School Auditions were last week. We have a projected number for next year.
Numbers should begin to go up after next year. We are not necessarily worried about numbers…but we are focused on quality.
*We are using our time wisely and meeting with kids during sectionals to meet with a lot of the kids in smaller groups.
*Jazz Band is up and running. We will be auditioning for a travel jazz band.
*County Band is this weekend. Nineteen students are performing.
*PMEA Festival–Liberty had the highest number accepted into PMEA Band–14 in all.
*There are 5 District Orchestra students. There were also District Jazz students selected.
*Clinicians-Stu Warmington will be coming in August for band camp. Captain Renny was invited for this spring to work with incoming drum majors.
*Dr. Wetzell from Moravian is willing to come in and work with kids in the jazz band.
*Figuring out our seamstress needs has been a challenge. Our Quartermasters are being trained in sewing because that technically is their job. Meg is doing the rest of the job as per her contract. The district wants to look at the seamstress job as a hired position. We will be looking into that in the future.
*Communication–Mr. Lennox has been advertising the band on Social Media and doing a great job! We need to revamp the website in the near future. People are asking for the weekly newsletter to come back.
*Future initiatives–Outreach to the middle schools promoting our program. Also promoting equity for those kids who cannot get to our school.
*Diaper Piper Program–We are purchasing 10-15 practice chanters for kids to use to see if they like to play the bagpipes. We will also be purchasing 3D chanters from Moravian College for $2 each.
*Middle School Students also are playing pep band with our kids as well!
*Program Needs–We need to replace quite a few instruments. We need supplies of reeds, small supplies, bagpipes, concert tubas for all tuba players, etc.
*We are a huge band and have many needs.
Mr. MacGill
*Both directors are doing a great job! It is impressive that many students were selected for district band! The students are so nice and impressive…and they play very well. You can hear all of the parts of the band play…which is wonderful.
*I would encourage you to update the LHSGB&OPC Website! It is outdated and the information is very old. It needs to be fully updated. Mr. Lennox will contact the website company.
Deana & Stacey
*They put together a fundraising letter in order to raise money for the band. Sponsorships are very important.
*They will put together a letter to send home to parents to see if any parents own a business and would like to donate.
*Question–What can the people that donate receive? Advertisements?
*They will create a spreadsheet so people can add ideas for sponsors.