Present: Britt Reifinger, Meg Evans Gartley, Nikki Giannaras, Amy Haydt, Mr. Long, Mr. Frank
Secretary (Nikki):
•Minutes from August were reviewed. No corrections needed to be made.
•Parents who would like to sign up to work the bandstand or 3rd quarter food stand…please see me after meeting. Clearances are needed to work these positions.
Vice President-(Meg):
•A few fundraisers have closed. Their expected delivery is September 21, 2019.
(WaWa Coupons, Mums, Donuts, Strudel, Hoagies)
•Fundraisers-Matey’s Pizza and 31 just went live on the website. Pierogies, Popcorn (samples are provided tonight), and Carl’s Corner Coupons are coming soon.
•Quota Report will be posted tonight. Negative balance is what is due yet for the trip.
Vice President-(Amy):
•Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered thus far. We appreciate your time and support!
•Volunteer needs:
Freedom vs. Liberty Game
•Donations Needed-Baked Goods/ (Coke products (cans) —water can be any name because we do not sell it.)
Band Director’s Report
(Mr. Long):
•Welcomed parents to meeting!
•Thanks to the Errekia Family (sp) for manning the car wash!
•Thanks to Mr. Keegan Lerch for helping with band camp!
•Thank you to the majorettes and majorette captain!
•Thank you to Mrs. Zettlemoyer for all of the uniform alterations. They look great!
•Friday night’s game vs. Easton is at Cottingham Stadium. There are some reserved seats on both sides of the stadium.
•9/11-First Company/Pipers are playing tomorrow during the 9/11 Ceremony.
•9/25-Ephrata Parade. Come join us!
•Thanks for a great year so far!
•(Mr. Frank):
•9/11 Ceremony-First Company/Pipers will be performing tomorrow. Please remember to bring your uniforms to school. Meet at 9:15 at flagpole.
•9/22-First Company—Light the Night Event
•Please remember that clearances are needed in order to help with the band events. Clearances expire every 5 years. Please see me with questions about renewing your clearances.
•Open House is Thursday night. Meet us in the Choir Room first block during this time.
•Be sure to drop kids off on Grenadier Blvd. for early morning band.
•Thanks for your support!
•Online Store with items advertising new trip logo will open next week!
•Any questions?