Meeting Minutes
Liberty Instrumental Music Association (LHSGB&OPC)
General Membership Meeting
May 8, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. A motion by Rebecca Escott to approve the minutes of the April meeting was seconded by Sarah Wascura and passed unanimously by the members.
Officer Reports
Rose Miravich reminded members of the last three fundraisers of the year: hoagies, pierogies, and Matey’s pizza and announced the need for the following positions for the 2018-2019 year: citrus sale chair, Matey’s pizza sale chair and volunteer coordinator. Tina Piscitello reminded members of the Martelucci Pizza fundraiser from May 21 to May 24.
Eduardo Azzati presented the April balance sheet and year-to-date financial reports on an overhead:
- Quota: $41,954.38; General Fund: $79,517.78
- Fundraising yielded $24,615.40 to student quota and $11, 800.30 to the general fund
- Outstanding quota: $14,319.75 for 2017-2018 and $7, 275 for 2016-2017
Directors Reports
Kevin Long explained that a student cannot be denied participation in the band for non-payment of quota, however, the student can be required to pay outstanding quota to participate in a trip.
Kevin Long summarized upcoming events:
- Uniform return Thursday (except Pipers and Fanfare team)
- Play for Senator Lisa Boscola’s visit on May 16 (no arrival time announced)
- New band member meeting on May 22
- Graduation rehearsal on June 7: 8:00 a.m. with return to Liberty at 9:45 (orchestra, pipers and fanfare team)
- Graduation report time TBA 5:30 or 6:00.
Allen Frank reminded parents of the AP Music Theory exam on Monday morning and asked for parent volunteers for the Music-in-the-Parks event on Friday.
Mrs. Zettlemoyer reminded parents to empty pockets before returning uniforms. Fittings for 2018-2019 will be scheduled in July pending availability of the band room based on the school’s cleaning schedule. Parents may make appointments on-line.
Old Business:
501(c)(3) work will continue in summer along with necessary work to update By-laws.
New Business
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 14.
Elections vote tally for officers for the 2018-2019 year was supervised by Dan Terry. Sixty votes yielded the following results:
- President: Britt Reifinger
- Vice President: Meg Evans Gartley
- Secretary: Lynne Zipprodt
- Treasurer: Jason Applegate
- Assistant Teasurer: Lynn Masters
Submitted by Bob Wascura
Old Business Updated Lynne Zipprodt 8/2018