General Meeting
June 13, 2022
Attendance (Executive Board): Allen Frank, William Lennox,
Julie Wydrzynski, Tina Martucci, Colleen Weaver, Cory Dailey, Nikki Giannaras, Jacqui Fortsch
Mr. Frank/Band Director
Mr. Lennox/Assistant Band Director
Mrs. Wydrinski/Choral Director
Spring Trip Meeting
Thank you for coming out tonight! We appreciate your attendance! We will be talking to you tonight about the Spring Music Trip. This is an informational meeting to inform parents about the trip and payment options.
*Band Families…please use the QR Code to join the LHSGB BAND APP.
*Trip is to Norfolk, VA–April 19-23, 2023.
*Travel is by bus. We will visit the Battleship Wisconsin, go on a dinner cruise, visit Busch Gardens, visit the Nauticus Maritime Discovery Center, perform in the NATO Fest Parade of the Nations, visit the International Village, the Virginia Military Tattoo, Virginia Beach, and perform in adjudicated performances for Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Choir.
*Price is $1,500 per student.
*Cost includes travel by charter bus, hotel, sight-seeing, Busch Gardens, all meals, all gratuities for drivers and tour guides, transportation of musical gear, and trip insurance.
*Our goal is to allow each student to travel on the trip and not have to bring any money along–except to purchase souvenirs.
*We have arranged three different payment plans for families to consider. They are listed on the handout. The payment plans allow us to pay the bills of the trip. Payments have to be in on time in order for us to pay the trip bills.
*Fair Share ($150) will be paid in the spring.
*Trip insurance is included with the price of the trip.
*Trip may be paid in full.
*Cory Dailey spoke about fundraisers. We will do as many as we possibly can in order to give the students ample opportunity to raise money for the trip. Let us know if you have any fundraiser ideas and we will try to make it happen.
*Thank you for coming tonight! Please read over the band performance calendar that was handed out earlier tonight.