Executive Board Meeting
In attendance…Tina Martucci, Cory Daily, Nikki Giannaras, Jacqui Fortsch, Jeanette Dennis, Allen Frank, Bill Lennox
Tina Martucci-President
*March Minutes were approved by Sue Testa and Tracey Luisser.
Nominations Committee
*Tonight voting will be held for the 2023 slate of officers.
*Sue Testa asked if a person can be nominated tonight as a last minute nomination for unfilled position of president and (2) at-large members. She stated that the board needs to have say on this. It is not in the bylaws.
*Board discussed the proposal brought about by Sue Testa. We answered that we will not accept any official add-on nominations to the ballot tonight..but people can nominate people a person for any unfilled positions. A bio for each nominated candidate needs to be submitted and we will vote at the May meeting.
*Nominations from the floor were given from the floor and on voting ballots, and are due by April 30th.
*Karen McLaughlin & Nikki Giannaras counted the online and in person nominationsvotes. The results are…
VP of Volunteers–Cory Dailey (Ran unopposed)
Treasurer–Jeanette Dennis (Ran unopposed)
Secretary–Joyce James
At-Large–Stacy Gabriel (Ran unopposed)
*Floor Nominations for President /(3) Tina Martucci, Tracey Luisser
*Floor At-Large Nominations (2 positions open)–Becky Sullivan, Deena Aguiar, Rita Haberstumpf,Tracey Luisser, Linda O’Brien
*Sunday, April 30th is the last date for nominations. Email Karen McLaughlin if you would like to nominate someone.
*We will vote for these peoplepositions at the May meeting.
Mr. Frank–Director
*Mr. Lennox is taking care of handicapped seating for the band concert. Seats will be on the floor–first and second rows. There will be handicapped parking as well. Please register online.
*Concert is now at 7 PM. An email will be sent out with confirmation.
*Mr. Lennox is updating the LHSGB&OPC Website. Please email him with any questions.
*Concerning the band app…please ask personal questions about your child via email and not before the entire band community on the band app. Please use the band app appropriately!
*Highland Dancers will do a preshow dance on Friday and Saturday night at 6:45 PM.
*Captain Renny is here to work with the Drum Major Candidates.
*Monday evening’s practice from 7-8:30 PM is very important because the band will be rehearsing with the Norfolk Band and Choir.
*We are composing a list of items that the kids need to know for the trip next week (comprehensive list) with times for uniform drop offs, instrument drop offs, what they need to bring on trip, etc. We will let you know what you need to know. For people traveling to see us in Norfolk, we will provide you with a list of what is going on. Next Friday, Chorus sings at 7:30 in the morning and concert band performs at 9:00 am. The public is welcome at no charge. Please bear with us as we get through all of this.
*Next year’s performance calendar was shared with all band parents over the Easter Break.
Try not to schedule vacations in August because band camp starts early August.
Monday is an important practice. *Wednesday night is a mandatory band concert dress rehearsal from 6-9 PM.
*Kids need to arrive both Friday and Saturday nights at 5:45 PM for the concert.
*May 5th is the oOrchestra pPops cConcert. It will be held in the auxiliary gym. The set-up will be the same. The jazz band will also play that night.
*May 12th is the orchestra/choir concert.
*June 4th–The First Co. Concert and Jazz Band Concert–starts at 3 pm.
*Questions: Can parents know who their child’s chaperone is? Yes. I will send out the lists tomorrow.
*Tickets can be bought anytime during the day by students and at the band concert. Ticket money checks will be deposited every few days. Please make checks payable to Liberty Band…not the band parent association. We pay all of the bills with the money that is made at the concert. The cost of the staging is expensive and costs the same no matter how many kids are in the band. We do not make a profit. We break even. Please invite your family and friends to the concert. It is fabulous! Come and support the kids! Thanks for your patience and flexibility!
Cory Dailey–VP of Volunteers
We need volunteers for the band concert and donations. Volunteers need to be here at 6:00 PM. Flower pick upsorders are due tomorrow night.
Jacqui Fortsch–VP of Jacqui Fortsch–VP of Student Accounts
Two fFundraisers for May..
Matey’s Pizza
Island Expressions Hoagies (They have lots of options)
Gift cards and WaWa Cards
Jeanette Dennis–Treasurer
*We have not gottenreceived the final bill from Gateway for the trip yet. We will pay it when it comes in.
*Trip payments are due tomorrow. If money is not given by tomorrow, your child will most likely not be going on the trip unless we have a plan with the parent. Fair Share is due May 1st. Fundraiser money can be used for that. If you asked for fair share to be paid earlier in the year, then it was subtracted from your account.
If you have extra money in your account because of fundraising and want that money, Jeanette needs an email by May 15th. If money is rolled over to next school year, it is nonrefundable once we start the new school year. Seniors can roll over to another student. If you do not choose for the money to go to another student,it the money will go to the general fund. If you are rolling over money to a friend or relative, that money does not have a cash value.
New bBusiness
Mrs. Huie’s son never received a poster hanging on the fence during the October football game. Cheerleaders’ posters were not paid for so they held up the printing of our poster. TheyCompany would not print our poster because the cheerleaders were not paid up. We apologized again to the Huie’s about the mistake. Cory reached out to the Christmas Citythe company regarding the poster. She will get back to the Huie’s when she hears something. She is expecting a response tomorrow.
Sue Testa and Karen McLaughlin