Executive Board Meeting
In attendance…Tina Martucci, Cory Daily, Nikki Giannaras, Jacqui Fortsch, Jeanette Dennis, Allen Frank, Bill Lennox
Tina Martucci-President
*Welcome to the LHSGB&OPC Meeting! What a meeting so far! The concert was amazing…and the trip was just as great! The kids were well-behaved…and so talented. The end of year will be just as exciting!
*April minutes were approved by Karen McLaughlin and Sue Testa.
Karen McLaughlin–Nominating Committee–
*We are voting for one president and two at-large members tonight. Nikki, Mr. Lennox, and I will be counting the votes.
*Voting Results–
*New At-Large Members–Linda O’Brien and Rita Haberstumpf
*President–Tina Martucci
Jeanette Dennis/Treasurer
*Fair Share was due May 1st. Emails will be sent this weekend as a reminder.
*There was a mistake made at the Saturday night band concert. The winner of the 50/50 raffle was to receive $71, not $116. We were able to recoup the overpayment from the winner.
*Sue Testa asked if money at the top of the treasurer’s report was ending or beginning balance (ending balance). She also asked if trip payments are taken out of the report. Jeanette stated that trip payments are reflected in the report. The status of the budget for next year was discussed and Jeanette stated that we are in the process of scheduling a meeting in order to discuss it.
Jacqui Fortsch/VP of Student Accounts
*Flower pick-up is Saturday and Matey’s Pizza pickup is next week.
Cory Dailey/VP of Volunteers
*We need volunteers for Saturday’s flower pickup and the hoagie fundraiser as well.
*Thank you to all of the people who volunteered at the concert last week. We appreciate it!
*The car wash is June 3rd. We need volunteers.
*We also need volunteers for the picnic that will take place after the Memorial Day Parade.
Mr. Frank/Director
*There is alot going on at the end of the year! We could not have asked for a better band trip! Any hiccups that happened were easily fixed. Thanks to all of the chaperones!
*Our concert band has never entered a contest before. We are very proud of how well the band performed. Not everyone traveled, but all deserve the win.We are looking to get the strings to travel on trips in the future. And for the record…no trips have been planned at this point for the future!
*Orchestra will be performing this Friday. Come check it out!
*Leadership positions in the band are being voted on by the students.
*BSM elections were this morning. Pipe Major elections are Wednesday morning. Senate elections are Thursday morning. Other leadership positions are later this week. Drum Major auditions were this morning. Results should be out later in the week.
*May 23rd–Majorette auditions
*May 29th–Memorial Day Parade–This happens every 3 years. Step-off is 9 am from LHS. Uniform collection will happen immediately after the parade (except for some students). There is a possible cookout/picnic planned for after the parade.
*Graduation–June 7th at Stabler Arena–Orchestra, pipes & drum, drum major will participate. Rehearsal will be held at Stabler Arena the day of graduation. Bus will leave from school at 7:50 AM and be to Stabler by 8:10 AM.
*Sue Testa asked what the senior orchestra students wear–cap and gown.
*Jeanette asked about students who have an exam the day of rehearsal. Mr. Frank stated that he will verify with the school. Students should be back by 10:30 AM for the 2nd exam of the day.
*Joe Testa wanted to thank Mr. Frank for everything since Mr. Frank was thanking everyone else for all they do.
*Mr. Frank stated that this year was his busiest year in the 19 years that he has been teaching.
*Uniform makers in England are ready to begin making our new band uniforms!
Mr. Lennox/Assistant Director
*Friday-Orchestra Concert
*Orchestra/First Co. auditions are next week. It is during Keystones. Kids are not allowed in the building if they are not testing. Kids can use drum pads to audition.
*First Co. Concert/Jazz Ensemble–June 4th–It will be a wonderful treat. Kids will wear full uniform.
*May 29th–Parade
*May 30th–7PM–Band Room–First rehearsal for next school year.
*Graduation report time will be announced soon.
*May 21st–Alumni Band Concert–Mr. MacGill’s last concert with the Alumni Band. Pipers will be playing at 3 PM.
*Corps of Drum–Must audition by May 19th
*Orchestra wears tuxes for graduation.
*Parade Report Time–8:00-8:15AM
Adjourn–Sue Testa/Tracey Luisser