There are a limited number of handicap seats available on both nights of the concert. To reserve a spot please complete this form. Purchasing a ticket is still required for admission, tickets can be purchased through a band student or in person on April 5th and 7th from 6 to 8 pm in the LHS memorial gym. Tickets are $10
2022 Spring Flowers Fundraiser Now Live
The spring flower sale is now live. Visit the sale page for more details.
Red Hot Chilli Pipers Ticket Sale Extended
Ticket Deadline Extended! Place your order by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, Feb. 8. You still have a chance to see this incredible show featuring the LHSGB pipes and drums on March 10. See the sale page for more details.
With Great Sadness
Dear Liberty Band and Orchestra Family,
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the unexpected passing of our beloved seamstress, Mrs. Ruth Zettlemoyer. Mrs. Z was part of the instrumental family at Liberty for over 30 years, touching the lives of countless students and families. This loss with not only be felt by us, but also by the entire Bethlehem community and beyond.
Please keep her husband Don, sons David and Dan, and her entire family in your thoughts and prayers. We also send our love to the Nitschmann Middle School family, where her son Dan is the instrumental director.
Mrs. Z, we love you!
Red Hot Chilli Pipers Tickets On Sale Now
The Red Hot Chilli Pipers are the most famous bagpipe band on the planet! They are a Celtic Rock band from Scotland. The band’s lineup features three highland bagpipers and a traditional marching snare, backed by a five- to seven-piece band. The LHSGBOPC encourage all families to attend the Red Hot Chilli Pipers concert at the State Theatre on Thursday, March 10th
in which the Pipes and Drums will participate. For more information visit the ticket sale page.
LHSGBOPC Meeting Minutes—November 16, 2021
LHSGBOPC General Meeting
In attendance…Tina Martucci, Cory Daily, Nikki Giannaras, Colleen Weaver, Allen Frank, Bill Lennox
Tina (President)
Welcome to everyone! I want to take a moment to thank everyone for reaching out during a very difficult time in my life. My husband passed away two weeks ago, and it has been hard. Thanks to all of you for being there for our family. I want to thank everyone for the calls, texts, checks, and good will. Nikki will now talk about the minutes from the last meeting.
Nikki (Secretary)
Hello! Are there any questions about the minutes from the last meeting? (No questions) Two votes passed the minutes.
Current fundraisers…
Grocery Cards
Gertrude Hawk Candy
Online quota was updated November 1st. If your balance is $0…your fair share has been deducted. Call Meg with questions. Winter flowers will be delivered on December 11 in the Science Lot.
Colleen (Treasurer)
Any questions concerning the Treasurer’s Report? (No questions)
Mr. Frank
Question…Can we know in advance when there are gigs so that our kids can be prepared?
Kids were told about the ceremony at the Sands Casino way in advance. I will try to post things for parents because kids sometimes don’t tell their parents.
I want to shout out Mr. Lennox for the Social Media presence! The word that is out in the community is awesome! Thank you! Also…Mr. Lennox is now engaged! Congrats!
Marching season was awesome! Thank you so very much for all of the band parents that helped during the marching season! We appreciate everything that was donated and all of the help and support. Thank you! It was a great season!
A lot of the focus now goes to the orchestra. If your child is in choir or orchestra…there are 8 rehearsals left.
Concert is two days…12/17 and 12/19.
Tuxes and gowns are being fitted for the concert. Choir is already done. Orchestra should be done by Thursday. All the kids need are black shoes. Everything else is provided.
Orchestra…Early morning rehearsals will start on 12/2 at 7 AM. It may be just sectionals. We will let you know. Practice will only be on orchestra days.
We had some Pipers playing for Veteran’s Day Ceremonies, etc. We appreciate their hard work and dedication.
Concert band has started. No early morning rehearsals for band right now. We will let you know when rehearsals start up again. We put an all-call out to the students because we are in need of tuba players for next year. If you know anyone who is interested in playing tuba….please let us know.
This evening, we met with Stu Wamington via Zoom. He will be coming 4/3-4/9 in order to help the drummers/percussion students rehearse for the concert. There may be an evening when the parents can meet Stu as well.
Question…Is the concert going to be in the auditorium? Yes. We will probably use every other row and balcony like was done during the school play. The spring concert may look different as well. We will try our best to get as many people to attend the concert as well.
Question…How much does a uniform cost? Each regular uniform is between $700-$1,000. Then it goes up from there for the Pipers and any specialty uniforms. We are up for new uniforms next year. We are looking to buy some good quality synthetic bear skin hats.
Question…Will we be buying any larger uniforms for the kids? We need to take into consideration that not all kids are a size 6. We need uniforms to fit our kids. We need taller and bigger uniforms. It is cool that our uniforms are like the Queen’s Military…but general sizing needs to be thought about when fitting the students. We hope to get bigger sizes to fit all students.
Next meeting is 12/14. That is the week of the concert.
Mrs. Zettlemoyer
We are almost finished handing out orchestra and choir uniforms for the concert.
New October Fundraisers
The LHSGBOPC has just started two new fundraisers: Krispy Kreme Donuts and Strudel. Please click on the links for more information. Also, on the grocery store gift cards, we are now offering Shop Rite cards.
Apple dumplings fundraiser
We just kicked off a new fundraiser, Apple Dumplings from The Farm Bakery. See the sale page for more details.
Schedule for First Football Game
Congrats on wrapping up Summer Band 2021!!
Info for Aug. 27, 2021:
3:30 pm – rehearse (Wearing band trousers. Tunics and bearskins stay inside)
4:15 pm – load truck
5 pm – depart
6:40 pm – perform
7 pm – Kickoff
Snacks and water will be provided during the 3rd quarter. I would recommended packing something to eat for the bus ride.
I will post on band app when we depart after the game so parents can plan for pick-up. Please do NOT pick up in the small lot by the pool doors. Pick up on Grenny or in the big teacher lot.
A few more reminders and information about tonight:
1) Please wear your new band shirt under the tunic! That is part of the uniform from here on out.
2) Don’t forget your berets!! Those go to every game, as well.
3) As mentioned yesterday, you will be provided with a snack and water at the game, but you may want to pack something for the bus ride.
4) Masks MUST be worn on the bus. Bring masks with you, please!
5) For parents wanting to travel to the game, the address for East Stroudsburg South is 279 North Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301.
6) We will go rain or shine.
Thank you!
Mr. Frank
Fall Fundraiser Kickoff
The following fundraisers are now live, please see the sale pages for more details: