Treasurer’s Report Documents from August 13, 2024 Meeting
LHSGBOPC General Meeting Minutes, April 11, 2024
General Meeting – 04-11-24
Board Members in attendance – Allen Frank, Bill Lennox, Tina Martucci, Jacqui Fortsch, Cory Dailey, Jeanette Dennis and Joyce James
Tina called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone in attendance and online. She asked for the minutes from last month’s meeting to be reviewed. A motion to approve was made by Jeanette Dennis. A second was made by AnnaLisa Kelly-Cavotta. Overall vote was to approve.
Sue Testa presented the proposed changes to the bylaws which will be voted on at the May meeting. The Bylaws that were approved in March are active already, however, there were two changes which are amending only two sections. The first potential change is to the Article III membership – it would assert that the participants would be residents of Bethlehem. The second potential change is to add Section 4 describing the role for a Community Partner.
Sue then began the board elections with a breakdown of how the process of voting would work.
Shelly Hever made a motion to have Jacqui Fortsch elected president since she was running unopposed for the position. Second motion was made by Joe Testa. Overall vote was unanimous for Jacqui.
Christine D’Annabelle made a motion to have Tracy Luisser elected as Vice President of Volunteers. Since Jacqui was officially elected as President, Tracy is now running unopposed. Second motion was made by Michelle Miller. Overall vote was unanimous for Tracy.
While votes are being counted for Vice President of Student Accounts….
Cory mentioned that we will need volunteers for the pops concert as well as the flower fundraiser. She also noted that on the piano are seed packets for the volunteers as a small token of our appreciation of what they do all year.
Jacqui reminded everyone that the Salsa fundraiser pick up will be on April 27 and the spring flower pick up will be May 11.
These will be the last fundraisers of the year as Charms will be going away and will be switching to CutTime and we will need time to get that set up. Pampered Chef figures are not yet showing in Charms. Questions came about CutTime. It is a must do because Charms is not continuing with its current financial program.
Concerns and questions arose that with two trips going, how soon fill fundraising start again. Jacqui said she should have everything online by July.
Allen stated everyone in the district will be using CutTime including elementary schools.
There was a question regarding rollover funds. Jacqui stated that she doesn’t see a problem moving money from middle school. There was also a question of whether existing e-mails in Charms will be rolled over. Bill said yes, but that it will just take time.
Jacqui announced that the new Vice President of Student accounts is Stephanie Cramer
While votes are being counted for Secretary….
Jeanette presented the Treasurer’s report which was also made available in the chat. No one paid for fair share in March. Please check your accounts to make sure you have paid fair share. Remember if you have money in your account, it doesn’t automatically change to fair share. If you wanted it rolled over, send an e-mail.
The third page of the Treasurer’s report shows all of the expenses for March. The concert was technically for April but because we had the numbers available, they were included for those who were curious. They will be reflected in the April Treasurer’s report.
Allen gave a big thank you to the volunteers for their time and donations. Now that the concert has wrapped up, he mentioned just how proud he was of the way the kids performed.
Joyce announced that the new Secretary is Michelle Miller.
Sue reminded everyone that for the last vote, there needs to be two names as there are two open At-Large positions,
While votes are being counted for the At-Large positions…..
Allen listed the upcoming events
4/17 – All State Festival
4/20 – Cops N Kids
4/22 – School Board Meeting
4/24 – Dress Rehearsal for Choir / Orchestra concert
4/26 – Evening of the Arts Choir / Orchestra concert
5/1 – Senior trip to NYC
5/2 – Special Olympics (day)
5/2 – Rehearsal for the Pops concert (evening)
5/3 – Orchestra Pops concert
Six of our students are going to Erie for All-State
3 for Chorus
2 for Band
1 for Orchestra
Next week – Friday is an Evening of the Arts. There is a visual Arts display as well as Industrial, cooking, and Liberty Jams
The Orchestra Pops concert will be May 3rd at 7pm. There will be light tunes sung by the barbershop quartet. The trombones and saxophones will both be in features.
May 1 is the New York trip for the seniors. Current report time is 5:30am. Peak Performance Tours may move it back to 6am. We will be at the 9/11 memorial museum at 9am. We will be seeing the 1pm matinee of Hamilton and be back to LHS at approximately 7:30pm
The summer band schedule for next year was released on April 14. It included all the scheduled football games and such. August 5 starts summer band rehearsals. Our first game is in Penn Ridge. Our week 2 game is a Thursday night game which will lead us nicely into a 3 day weekend.
The calendar for next year is being put together but remains a work in progress. The Red Hot Chili Pipers concert will be March 6th. The Parade of Shamrocks will be back on the permanent schedule. Possibly a few other parades will be added.
This Monday, April 22, the school board will officially be voting on the Florida and London trips. They have been very supportive. It’s a great chance for a trip of this magnitude and the first since COVID.
The London Band Week staff will be here on April 28th for a parent informational meeting and will stay to talk with the students on April 29th.
Jeanette announced that the new At-Large members are Marilyn Kelly-Cavotta and Jen Roan
By having an information meeting for London now, it gives a whole year to plan ahead. We’re close to rolling out some specifics for both trips and we are aiming high on the costs in the hopes of avoiding surprises later.
Julie and Allen will be going to Florida to look at workshops and lodging options.
Out of fairness to the families, with back to back trips, we are announcing both trips at once to give families the opportunity to discuss and determine if they are able to do both trips or only one. Financial burdens and difficulties are understood. Airfare is what is currently driving the estimated price as high as it is. We want to afford everyone the opportunity to attend.
London band week is occurring in June so there won’t be any school time missed. We will be using the same travel agent we have used for 20+ years.
Estimated cost for Florida is $2,000. Estimated cost for London is $4,000.
Even though the staff from London Band week will be here soon to answer questions, Allen gave an overview of some of what goes on. They take youth bands from all over Europe and the US and make them the stars. They perform in something like a tattoo. Plus we will be doing touristy things as well.
This year the University of Tennessee participated. As well as Ohio University. Next year Rutgers will be participating.
Allen and Bill are going to be attending next year’s performances to observe.
It is a unique opportunity. It has been 20 years since the LHSGB has gone to London and it will coincide with the 100th anniversary of he LHSGB.
Fundraising will be a huge part of the success of the trip. Bill is in conversations to see how big schools fundraise for trips like this. It may mean writing proposals for company grants or hosting event here at the school. Our efforts start now and we will do all we can do to make these trips available to all.
The Florida trip dates will be Jan 16-22, 2025. It is cheaper to travel in January than it is in February. Choir goes along to Florida as well. The will be over Martin Luther King weekend. It is important to note that the musical experience is why we go, but it is also to praise and thank the kids for all they do. They earn it.
A question was asked about tag-alongs. London Band Week personnel handles travel for that. We will let you know as soon as we know the numbers. A question was also asked regarding the difference between a tag along and a chaperone. A chaperone watches the kids. Tag alongs get to come to see performances, but it is basically a whole separate trip. You travel separately, you lodge somewhere different from the band. There is usually a minimum for tag alongs, but not necessarily a maximum.
We are looking into passports and maybe setting up group passport times.
A question was asked about signing out a student to extend the trip. That will be allowed and arrangements will be made as the trip gets closer if this pertains to your family situation.
There is no itinerary yet for either trip.
Dress rehearsal for the concert will be next Wednesday at 5:30. We have to wrap up rehearsal before 7pm because of college night meeting in the auditorium.
Listing of 2024-2025 Executive Committee Board Members
Jackie Fortsch – President
Tracy Luisser – Vice President Volunteers
Stephanie Cramer – Vice President Student Accounts
Michelle Miller – Secretary
Jeanette Dennis – Treasurer
Rita Haberstumpf – At-Large
Marilyn Kelly-Cavotta – At-Large
Linda O-Brien – At-Large
Jen Roan – At-Large
A motion to close the meeting was made by Eleanor Mayer. A second motion was made by Jeanette Dennis. Overall vote was to close the meeting.
LHSGBOPC General Meeting Minutes March 11, 2024
General Meeting 03/11/24
Board members in attendance – Allen Frank, Bill Lennox, Tina Martucci, Jacqui Fortsch, Cory Daily, Jeanette Dennis, and Joyce James
Tina called the meeting to order and asked for approval on last monh’s minutes. Motion to approve was made by AnnaLisa Kelly-Cavotta. Second by Eleanor Mayer. Overall approval by the full organization.
Cory reported that a sign up genius for the spring concert will be going out soon. It will inckude requests for volunteers for parking attendants, concession stand, bandstand, clean up, door monitoring, and donations.
Jacqui updated everyone on the current and upcoming fundraisers. Pampered Chef and Mr. Sticky’s sticky buns close on Sunday, In May we have salsa in person and online as well as spring flowers. She also reminded everyone about making fair share payments.
Jeanette presented the budget. She worked with Sue Testa to set up a new format which will be used next year. She also presented an expense report for February. This is a work in progress to present it in a way that’s easily understood.
Allen welcomed Mitchell Hort from Moravian Unidrsity. He is serving as our student teacher this year.
Mr. Hort spoke briefly to say he feels incredibly forunate to be part of this organization and is looking forward to a great collaboration during his time with us.
Allen reminded us all that we are now deep into the spring schedule. In the band app this week, the schedule took up one full sheet.
The Foundation dinner includes performances by 1st Co, pipes and drums, Acapella and Theatre groups. There is no rehearsal for 1st Co as they will be playing as people are coming in at 5:15. Pipes will be wearing Kit A. First Co will be in full uniform. The performances should be over by 8:00.
This Friday will be all about St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. Pipes are playing at Moravian Hall Square at 10:30. Trumpets will play at City Hall at 11:00. Friday night there will be a joint concert between 1st Co and Moravian at 7:30 at Foyt Hall.. We were asked in December to perform and we were their first choice to work with. Tickets are $15.
Saturday is looking to be an all day marathon. We have 10 participants in the Northampton County Band. There is an 8:00 am rehearsal and students are responsible for their own lunch, but they will be provided an evening meal. Concert is at 7:00 in Northampton. Pipes and drums are in the Parade of Shamrocks. Meet at 6th and Broad. We are part of Division 2. We will practice march Thursday.
There is currently practice for pit performers for the musical. The show is next week. The performances are Thursday @7:00, Friday @ 7:00, Saturday @ 1:00 and @ 7:00.
There is a request for senior videos so they can be part of the slide show for the concert. Please check with your seniors to make sure they have submitted their video / slide. Tickets for the concert are available now. $10 adults $5 students / seniors.
We have students from LHS who made it to the state level in concert band, orchestra and choir and will be traveling to Erie for those concerts in a few weeks.
Pending School Board approval, the LHSGB will be heading to Florida next winter. Nothing is finalized, but Allen wanted to get the word out so people can start to plan and fundraise as needed. January is cheaper than February. Choir will be participating too. The groups will perform at Universal and march through Main Street at the Magic Kingdom and perhaps even perform at Disney Springs. We are aiming high in cost ($2,000.00), but we are doing that so there are no additional surprises. The airfare alone is about $750.00. We will probably be housed in the Universal area rather than a Disney resort to save money as well. Looking at about 4 days in Florida. We will also try for a tag along trip which is a parent-run side trip. And payments will be made through Gateway.
Bill encouraged us to come to the 1st Co and Moravian concert on Friday.
Tina brought up some new business. Stacy Gabriel has resigned as an at-large member. Becky Sullivan will finish her term. And Tracy Luisser is filling another vacancy we had.
Sue Testa took the floor for the By-laws voting. She started by establishing a consistent motion and second for voting purposes. Michelle Miller is officially noted as making the motion to vote for each item. Cory Dailey is officially noted as making the second motion. The record of votes by the general population in attendance, in person (IP) and online (OL) is listed below. Each item was approved unless otherwise noted.
Vote – First Wording (2 IP, 3 OL)
Second Wording (19 IP, 2 OL)
The second wording will be used in the By-Laws.
Vote – 21 IP, 5 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 5 OL
Discussion occurred regarding At-Large members. The discussion revolved around have a member of the community serve on the board and perhaps be perceived as depriving an LHSGBOPC member a voice and vote. It was decided that the By-laws vote for item #4 would remain as written and a new item will be developed and added at the next meeting. The new item will be regarding the establishment of an advisory council for community members instead of having them serve as at-large members and need to be at a set number of events.
Vote – 21 IP, 5 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 6 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 6 OL
Item #7 ARTICLE V – COMMITTEES Section 2
Vote – 21 IP, 4 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 6 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 5 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 6 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 6 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 6 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 6 OL
Vote – 21 IP, 6 OL
Other new business, nominations for board members closes tomorrow at 9:00 pm. Open positions are as follows:
Vice President Student Accounts
Vice President Volunteers
At-Large (2 positions)
Send nominations through google form or to Jen Roan and the nominating committee
A motion to close the meeting was made by Cory Dailey. Second made by AnnaLisa Kelly-Cavotta. Overall approval was made by the full organization.
LHSGBOPC General Meeting Minutes, February 15, 2024
General Meeting 2/15/24
Board Members in attendance: Allen Frank, Bill Lennox, Tina Martucci, Jacqui Fortsch, Cory Dailey, Jeanette Dennis, and Joyce James
Tina welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for a motion to approve last month’s minutes. It was noted that per the by-laws, even though there is a motion and a second, there still needs to be a vote from the overall assembly. A motion was made by AnnaLisa Kelly-Covatta, seconded by Sue Testa, and approved by the group.
Cory reported that there are no new updates on volunteer needs.
Jacqui reported updated fundraisers. Mateys pizza runs from now until the 19th. Pampered Chef will start March 1 and will benefit student accounts. Mr. Sticky’s sticky buns will be March 27, flowers May 12, and salsa May 5. Be on the lookout for emails.
Jeanette presented the Treasurer’s report and the budget comparison. Per the bylaws, the treasurer’s report does not need a monthly approval since it is just reporting the income vs expenses for the month.
Sue Testa pointed out some ways to present the report that would make it more transparent and easier for everyone to understand, such as reporting incomes as separate lines items and identifying what the income was from (ie fair share, Bingo, bandstand) and display them on separate pages as well as breaking out fund raising efforts on separate line items. Sue also made suggestions on budget structure and expressed some frustration in how fair share cost is calculated each year especially and how fair share money is used. Sue and Jeanette will connect on how ro make the discussed changes.
Currently the bandstand income is negative. but that was explained as we made large purchases in order to restock the inventory for the remainder of the year and going forward.
Speaking of bandstand inventory, we are still in need of a parent or two to take over the inventory process. Please let Cory know if you’re interested.
Allen spoke of including the directors in the conversations on the finances. We want to be able to alleviate financial burden situations when we can. That means taking some of the stress off of families, taking care of the instrument side of things and getting gear to where it should be.
For pipers, we are looking at forming a partnership with a company in Scotland willing to work with us to get pipes.
Reminder to please check the weekly bulletin for information. There is a lot going on and many questions can be answered with the information that gets passed along weekly.
District orchestra went extremely well. The students said that it was the best one they attended. There were 104 students from 26 schools from Berks to Carbon county. All the volunteers student and adult made everything run smoothly. Thank you.
Big congratulations for the 4 students moving on to regionals. They are…
Tom Cramer
Andrew Fortsh
Ethan Hawkes
Casey Huey
Regional band is next Thursday at Eastern York HS. LHS has 4 students going to that. We have 10 students in county band on March 16.
Pipes and drums gigs start picking up in March with the Red Hot Chili Pipers March 7 and continuing with the parade of shamrocks.
The band spring concert is 4/5 and 4/6. The orchestra concert is 4/26 and the orchestra pops concert is 5/3. It will be held bak in the memorial gym.
Encourage your students to practice at home. It just supplements the efforts going on at school rehearsals.
Summer band will begin 8/5. Next year’s band numbers will remain about the same . The incoming class was 4th graders during the pandemic. The orchestra numbers will go up because they were able to have more instruction during the pandemic.
Trip discussions are being held. Waiting for approval from BASD. Planning for about a year out. Allen is planning to lay out a 3-4 trip plan. This will aid families in preparing financially.
Bill asked that if your child is preparing to study music after graduation, to please let the directors know. The process isn’t straightforward, prep work needs to be done in order to make sure your student is prepared.
For new business. Sue Testa took the floor to walk the group through the suggested changes that were made when the bylaws committee met. Allen pulled up the changes on the screen for everyone to see while Sue explained the
changes. The bylaws will be voted on at the next meeting, but we wanted to inform the group of the potential changes being made and what will be voted on.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sue Testa, seconded by Eleanor Mayer and approved by the group.
LHSGBOPC General Meeting Minutes, January 11, 2024
Board members in attendance: Bill Lennox, Tina Martucci, Jacqui Fortsch, Cory Dailey, Jeanette Dennis and Joyce James
Tina called the meeting to order. The minutes from last month’s meeting are on the website. The Treasurer’s report is also attached on the website.
Motion to approve the minutes – Zuzana Hawkes
Second – Tracy Lussier
Cory has asked for 1 or 2 parents (preferably not parents of seniors) to work on bandstand inventory.
We are co-hosting district orchestra with Freedom on Feb 8 through Feb 10. We will be providing snacks along with Freedom’s hospitality committee.
There will be a dine to donate at Red Robin on Airport Road from 5-9 on 1/30.
Red Hot Chili Pipers tickets will be $25. We have 130 tickets for the March 7 concert
Jacqui highlighted the current and upcoming fundraisers.
Soup (2/10 delivery)
Pierogies (2/12 delivery)
Krispy Kreme (2/12 delivery)
Mr. Sticky’s sticky buns
Pampered chef (first 2 weeks of March-direct to student not the general fund)
Shop Rite
Jeanette mentioned there was not much activity in December. There were questions about additional Bingo expenses and the Give Butter deposit. Jeanette will update for next month. She is also hoping to have the budget comparison next month.
Mr. Lennox invited everyone to the January Jams concert at Northeast on 1/30 at 7pm. It will feature Liberty Jams, Jazz, Acapella, Pipes and Fist Co. It will be a full day for the students. They will be performing during the school day at Broughal and at Northeast.
The district band concert is this Saturday 1/13. Tickets will be available online.
Summer band starts August 5.
Next payment for the senior NYC trip is due 2/15.
Every student except majorettes, pipes, and percussion, should have submitted an audition. Please check in with your students to make sure they completed the assignments.
Big thank you to the LHSGBOCP for the equipment purchases. It feels good to be able to fill needs.
Going forward there will be a guitar class on the course selection.
Sue Testa reminded everyone that the bylaws committee will be meeting on Tuesday of next week. It’s not too late to join.
Thank you to the director and the students who played for the swim meet benefitting the John Jones memorial.
Motion to adjourn – Sue Testa
Second – Suzanna Hawkes
The Red Hot Chilli Pipers, featuring the Liberty High School Grenadier Pipes and Drums and Highland Dancers, will be at the Easton State Theater, March 7th, 2024, 7:30pm.
LHSGBOPC General Meeting Minutes, December 11, 2023
Board members in attendance: Allen Frank, Bill Lennox, Jacqui Fortsch, Cory Dailey, Jeanette Dennis, and Joyce James
Cory called the meeting to order in Tina’s absence. She asked for approval of the minutes from last month. A motion to approve was made by Annalisa Kelly-Covatta, second by Todd Snyder
Cory gave the update that Bingo was a huge success. Right now there are no immediate needs for parent volunteers.
There were two cemetery lots remaining from the flower sale if anyone is interested in purchasing them.
Jacqui gave an update about fundraisers. Current fundraisers are on the website like Gertrude Hawk and Wawa. We took a break for Dec and Jan. Upcoming fundraisers will be
Krispy Kreme
Pampered Chef
Mr. Sticky’s sticky buns
It was asked if there could be a fundraiser done that specifically favors the students’ accounts rather than the general fund. Jacqui said that is something that can be taken into consideration going forward. Fundraising has been low this year.
Jeanette presented the Treasurer’s report. The Bingo portion of the Treasurer’s report was discussed at great length within the meeting. All of the Bingo proceeds/expenses are accounted for except the deposit from Give Butter. That was made later and will be reflected in December’s report. It seems that the breakdown for Bingo was a bit confusing. A request was made to have it displayed in a spreadsheet form and itemized more to allow for future planning (ie less basket quantity but more basket quality if raffle tickets didn’t sell). Another point to encourage itemizing was the general terms used, such as one time fundraiser doesn’t give much information. On a positive note, the proceeds from Bingo bought us instruments such as our new suspended cymbal as well as miscellaneous orchestra needs.
A question was asked about how we are doing financially versus what was budgeted. Jeanette mentioned she was planning a budget comparison for mid year. The by-laws say it should be presented monthly. Jeanette will work on setting up the Treasurer’s report in spreadsheet form going forward. Motion to approve Treasurer’s report Annalisa Kelly-Covatta, second by Eleanor Mayer
The question was asked about what donation can be made by the organization to make the band and orchestra needs met. Once a budget vs actual comparison is done, this topic will be revisited.
The budget discussion segued nicely into the by-laws discussion. Sue is organizing the by-laws committee and it will be meeting in January. The by-laws are designed to keep the LHSGBOPC moving in the right direction. Any changes to the by-laws gets voted on in March at the general meeting. Elections are held in April. Please let Sue know if you would like to be part of the committee. It’s open to anyone.
Allen mentioned that there is a winter concert evening rehearsal Thursday from 5-8:30 for the orchestra and choir. Tickets to the concert are $10 general admission, $5 students and seniors and free for under 12. Tickets can be purchased in advance which cuts down on the line out the door in the cold. There is a basketball game on Friday so parking is likely to be limited. Report time for Friday is 6:00 and 1:00 for Sunday.
LHS along with FHS is hosting the District 10 orchestra concert Feb 8-10 at Northeast Middle School. Auditions were just held for district band and orchestra. We’re proud to say we have 9 band members and 5 orchestra members who qualified. Jazz auditions are due Friday.
There are wheels in motion to start planning a trip for next year. No announcement yet as nothing has been finalized.
Caroling will be happening around Bethlehem next week.
Red Hot Chili Pipers tickets go on sale in January. We have already been invited to participate in 2025.
Bill mentioned purchasing mouthpieces and reeds as stocking stuffers. Don’t buy instruments on Amazon. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Motion to adjourn Sue Testa, second Tracy Lussier
LHSGBOPC General Meeting Minutes, December 11, 2023
Board members in attendance: Allen Frank, Bill Lennox, Jacqui Fortsch, Cory Dailey, Jeanette Dennis, and Joyce James
Cory called the meeting to order in Tina’s absence. She asked for approval of the minutes from last month. A motion to approve was made by Annalisa Kelly-Covatta, second by Todd Snyder
Cory gave the update that Bingo was a huge success. Right now there are no immediate needs for parent volunteers.
There were two cemetery lots remaining from the flower sale if anyone is interested in purchasing them.
Jacqui gave an update about fundraisers. Current fundraisers are on the website like Gertrude Hawk and Wawa. We took a break for Dec and Jan. Upcoming fundraisers will be
Krispy Kreme
Pampered Chef
Mr. Sticky’s sticky buns
It was asked if there could be a fundraiser done that specifically favors the students’ accounts rather than the general fund. Jacqui said that is something that can be taken into consideration going forward. Fundraising has been low this year.
Jeanette presented the Treasurer’s report. The Bingo portion of the Treasurer’s report was discussed at great length within the meeting. All of the Bingo proceeds/expenses are accounted for except the deposit from Give Butter. That was made later and will be reflected in December’s report. It seems that the breakdown for Bingo was a bit confusing. A request was made to have it displayed in a spreadsheet form and itemized more to allow for future planning (ie less basket quantity but more basket quality if raffle tickets didn’t sell). Another point to encourage itemizing was the general terms used, such as one time fundraiser doesn’t give much information. On a positive note, the proceeds from Bingo bought us instruments such as our new suspended cymbal as well as miscellaneous orchestra needs.
A question was asked about how we are doing financially versus what was budgeted. Jeanette mentioned she was planning a budget comparison for mid year. The by-laws say it should be presented monthly. Jeanette will work on setting up the Treasurer’s report in spreadsheet form going forward. Motion to approve Treasurer’s report Annalisa Kelly-Covatta, second by Eleanor Mayer
The question was asked about what donation can be made by the organization to make the band and orchestra needs met. Once a budget vs actual comparison is done, this topic will be revisited.
The budget discussion segued nicely into the by-laws discussion. Sue is organizing the by-laws committee and it will be meeting in January. The by-laws are designed to keep the LHSGBOPC moving in the right direction. Any changes to the by-laws gets voted on in March at the general meeting. Elections are held in April. Please let Sue know if you would like to be part of the committee. It’s open to anyone.
Allen mentioned that there is a winter concert evening rehearsal Thursday from 5-8:30 for the orchestra and choir. Tickets to the concert are $10 general admission, $5 students and seniors and free for under 12. Tickets can be purchased in advance which cuts down on the line out the door in the cold. There is a basketball game on Friday so parking is likely to be limited. Report time for Friday is 6:00 and 1:00 for Sunday.
LHS along with FHS is hosting the District 10 orchestra concert Feb 8-10 at Northeast Middle School. Auditions were just held for district band and orchestra. We’re proud to say we have 9 band members and 5 orchestra members who qualified. Jazz auditions are due Friday.
There are wheels in motion to start planning a trip for next year. No announcement yet as nothing has been finalized.
Caroling will be happening around Bethlehem next week.
Red Hot Chili Pipers tickets go on sale in January. We have already been invited to participate in 2025.
Bill mentioned purchasing mouthpieces and reeds as stocking stuffers. Don’t buy instruments on Amazon. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Motion to adjourn Sue Testa, second Tracy Lussier