LHSGBOPC General Meeting Minutes, February 13, 2025
Board members in attendance:
Directors: Allen Frank and Bill Lennox
Tracy Luisser (VP Volunteers), Becky Sullivan (Treasurer), and Michelle Miller (Secretary)
Board members in absent:
Jacqui Forsch(President) and Steph Cramer (VP Student Accounts),
Approval of Minutes from 01-08-2025:
Tracy called the meeting to order and asked for approval on last month’s minutes. Motion to approve was made by Becky Sullivan. Second by Annalisa Kelly-Cavotta. Overall approval by the full organization. (Motion passed).
Report from VP of Volunteers (Tracy):
- If you have checks for RHCP, Melissa and Bridget will collect them. We will continue to take orders until March 3rd or until we are sold out.
Report from VP of Student Accounts (Tracy presented for Steph):
- January Fundraising Report
- Thursday, February 20th from 5-6pm is the pick up for hoagies and soup.
- Krispy Kreme orders are due February 19th. Pick up will be March 3rd.
- Dine to Donate will be Wednesday at The Bayou.
- Spring Bingo will be March 30th.
- Wawa coupons are discontinued after December 31st.
- We have Weis, Giant, and Shoprite gift cards.
- Springo (Art)
- Spring Bingo is on March 30th in the Cafe.
- Still accepting donations. We currently have 8 purses total.
- The flyer will be posted online.
- Email if you would like to help.
- Some parents have reached out about helping with the basket raffles.
- We will put them together 2 weeks before.
QUESTION: Will the proceeds go to general funds or individual funds?
Last Bingo went to the general fund and was used towards the Florida trip. This will get clarified.
- Upcoming fundraisers:
Fundraiser | Contact | Cost | Quota | Orders due | Pick up |
Dine to Donate: The Bayou – February 19th, 4-close | |||||
Island Expressions | Bridget Hujsa | $4-6.50 | Varies per item | February 5th | TBD |
Krispy Kreme | Bridget Carvajal | February 19th | Monday, Mar. 3rd LHS Sci Lot 5-6pm |
Springo Bingo | Art Oakes | March 30th | TBD | ||
Pocono Cheesecakes | Michael Calagna | Saturday, April 12 LHS Sci Lot 11-11:30am |
Mr. Sticky’s Sticky Buns | Luke Roan | Wednesday, April 16 LHS Sci Lot 4:30-5:30pm |
Report from VP of Treasurer (Becky):
- February’s financials (Monthly report 1/1 – 1/31):
- Starting balance:$91,028.59
- Ending balance: $86,964.66
- Income: $2,965.50
- Expenses: $7,029.43
- Not a lot of activity in January other than the trip itself.
- We brought in some fairshare, Dine to Donate, Trip, and Gift cards (mostly giant).
- Still collecting some outstanding trip payments, so there is some money that should come back to general funds.
- Bad debt is now just a credit from a check that was rewritten from last year. We collect on bad debt right away so we aren’t carrying bad debt.
- Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Motion to approve was made by Sue Testa. Second by Annalisa Kelly-Cavotta. Overall approval by the full organization. (Motion passed)
Report from Directors:
- Mr. Frank:
- This is the calm before the storm.
- March 6: Red Hot Chilli Pipers
- A lot of times there may be kids added to the stage the day before.
- Get tickets. It’s a great show.
- March 15: March in Parade of Shamrocks (1:15 step off)
- March 15: County Band
- Final rehearsal and concert
- March 22-23: LAC (athletic department) hosting indoor flag competition (Eastern Regional)
- The athletic department wants to support us. A member said that “when you do better, we do better.”
- We will be doing the concession stand. They are taking care of all of the purchasing and setup. We just need to supply manpower.
- Last year the concession stand brought in $12,000.
- There will be 4 – 3 hour shifts on Saturday (8:30am – 9pm) and 3 – 3 hour shifts on Sunday. We need 7-10 students per shift and 3-5 adults per shift.
- There will be beaks throughout the competition which is when the concession gets flooded.
- We have 50-60 athletes in the band, so this is a great gift to help offset London costs.
- Our goal for London fundraising is to bring in as much as we can. If we can lower costs we will. We want to make this trip affordable for everybody.
- Thinking about London, these large scale fundraisers are where we’re going along with grant writing and our smaller fundraisers of donuts, candy, gift cards, etc.
- Signups coming.
- Students will get community service hours. Profit will go to general funds. There will also be opportunities on Friday to do setup for service hours.
- March 30: Springo (purse bingo)
- Concert Week: (Week of March 31st)
- Monday (March 31st): 1st Company/Pipes and Drums
- Tuesday (April 1): off
- Wednesday (April 2)/Thursday (April 3): 6-9pm
- Friday (April 4)/Saturday (April 5): Concert
- Saturday (April 5): 1pm meeting
London Information Meeting with representatives from London Band Week. - Trying to get answers before (like pricing/payments)
- London:
- Meeting with directors next week to try to get information out before the meeting in April.
- Trying to get more information about:
- Pricing
- Hidden costs
- Getting gear to London
- Ballpark figure for the trip is $4,000 range
- Get passports now if you think you may be going.
- The festival is June 23-28
- We will travel there around June 20 or 21 and back around June 29. – We do not have exact travel dates yet.
- Trying to get more information about:
- Meeting with directors next week to try to get information out before the meeting in April.
QUESTION: Do we go through Gateway?
No. This is a non-Gateway trip. We go through Dan ? London Band Week. They can also organize the tag along trip.
- Directors are getting middle school numbers. The trend is an increase in enrollment. A huge thank you to everyone that is working in the elementary schools and middle schools to build the program.
- Band will increase by 25-30 members next year.
- Orchestra will also increase again.
- Program looks healthy at 200+ members.
- Possible upcoming Piper Gig
Pipers may be performing on March 16 at the Phantoms Game. Still polling the students to find out interest. - Heavy week:
Dr. Bailey’s official last day and the passing of a student (not in the program).
Resources are here. – We’re here. If students are hurting, we’re here. Your students are our priority.
- Mr. Lennox
- Alumni Form
- Rolls out next week. The board is trying to collect information on alumni.
- The problem with putting it out on our social media is that 78% of our followers are under 24 years old – so not really in the situation to donate.
- Please share on personal social media.
- George Whacker will also be interviewing and asking for alumni to share fun stories.
- Instruments: Cello/Bass
- With the increase in students next year, we are hurting for instruments.
- We are working with elementary and middle schools to make sure all students have an instrument.
- If you have any instruments that are collecting dust, please donate. You can talk to the central office to find out about a tax write off.
- Alumni Form
New Business:
- If you would like to be part of the nominating committee or run for office, email Tracy. Elections will be in April. Nominations will need to be in 2 weeks before (in March).
A motion to close the meeting was made by Sue Testa. Second by Becky Sullivan. Overall approval by the full organization.