LHSGBOPC – Nominations for 2023-24 Officers
Nominations are now open for the 2023-2024 LHSGB&OPC officers. The Nomination Committee is accepting nominations for President, Vice President of Volunteers, Secretary, Treasurer and two At-large board members. The President, Vice President of Volunteers and Secretary have a term of one year. The Treasurer and the 2 at-large board members are both a two year term. Nominations are due to the nominations committee by March 13, 2023. Nominations can also be made at the monthly meeting on March 14, 2023.
If you would like to nominate a a Grenadier band or orchestra parent/guardian for an open position (you may submit multiple nominations), please do so by:
- Completing the nomination form, OR
- Emailing a nomation to the Secretary band-secy@lhsgbopc.org. Please include the full name of the person and the position you are nominating them for. Please include any contact information you may have for the nominee.
The Nominations Committee will begin contacting the nominees on March 15th. If you are nominated for any of the positions you will be requested to submit a biography of your experience along with your picture. The Nominations Committee will submit the nominations slate and biographies by April 11, 2023 to the Board of Directors for a vote. The newly elected officers will begin their position July 1, 2023.
Please contact Nikki Giannaras, Band Secretary or the Nominations Committee with any questions. The committee is being led by Karen McLaughlin and also includes Jodi Wycherly and Jennifer Roan.
The Red Hot Chilli Pipers, featuring the Liberty High School Grenadier Pipes and Drums and Highland Dancers, will be at the Easton State Theater, March 2nd, 2023, 7:30pm.
Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser
Papa Sarge perogies and Island Expressions soup fundraisers now live! – copy
Matey’s Pizza Sale
LHSGBOPC Meeting Minutes—November 15, 2022
General Meeting
In attendance…Allen Frank, Billy Lennox, Nikki Giannaras, Jacqui Fortsch, Jeanette Dennis
Allen Frank-Director
*Welcome everyone! We are trying to roll out the Charms Database. It is a lot of work…but we are getting there. The Band App and Charms are allowing us to get important information out to the parents. It is important that we are patient with the board as they navigate this change.
*11/17-Chamber of Commerce Gig (First Company & Bagpipers)-Event is at the casino at 9:30 AM. Kids will miss 2nd and 3rd block. Full uniform.
*Friday, 11/18-Bethlehem Christmas Tree Lighting-Report time is 4:15–tree lighting is at 5:00 PM. We are taking over this gig because Freedom cannot do it. They are in the playoffs for football. This is only the third time that we have done this gig. Dress code is uniform with beret or Santa Hat. We are meeting at City Hall. Pipers are exempt. They are going to a workshop in the Poconos. The auxiliary groups do not need to attend as well. We should be finished by 6 PM. It is a great opportunity for our band. Kids are to email directors if they can attend.
*11/18-Bethlehem Police Retirement Dinner
*11/18-11/20–Bagpiper Workshop at Lehigh Valley Hotel and Conference Center–Friday–Registration and Concert/ Saturday Classes 9-5/ Sunday Classes 9-12. The company charges $225 a weekend per student. The company allowed our kids to go for $100. That is fantastic!
*Orchestra (strings only to start) will be coming in for 7 AM rehearsals after Thanksgiving.
*Jazz Band has started! We will be going to have an audition soon to choose a travel jazz band. This group will perform gigs.
*PMEA Auditions will take place 12/3 at Parkland High School. We will know on that day if any of our kids have made it to the festival level.
*We will be having a trip meeting after Thanksgiving. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for 12/6. If there is not a lot of important new information, we may have the meeting via Zoom.
*All payments for the trip are becoming due soon. We need to know who is coming on the trip. Buses and rooms are reserved. We will soon be signing into Gateway to give them our student information.
*Our Winter Concert is right before the break… 12/16 & 12/18.
Jeanette Dennis-Treasurer
*Does anyone have any questions? Correction…Frank’s Pizza was not $53…it was $530.
*January starts new reports with Charms. The Treasurer’s Report will look different and more professional.
Mr. Lennox-Assistant Director
*Before 2023, the LHSGB will have performed more than 50 performances!
*The next First Co. Concert will be held on January 24, 2023. It will be at NE Middle School.
*If you need ideas for your child for the holidays…just let me know. Shoot me an email. I would be happy to help you!
*Approval of the Minutes (Karen McLaughlin/Tracey Luisser)
*Online Clothing Order–The online clothing order will go live tonight. We will send out a Charms email message when it is ready to be accessed. Clothing and other items have the new Norfolk graphic on them. All orders due on 11/29. Orders will be delivered to LHS on or around 12/20.
Jacqui Fortsch-VP
*Fundraising-Krispy Kreme fundraiser went well! Cheesecake and Matey’s Pizza pickup is this Saturday. The winter flowers fundraiser has closed. Blue Mountain Candles is closing this Sunday and will be delivered on 12/10.
*We will soon be able to accept credit cards through Charms. Parents will be able to pay with a charge card. There will be a small fee. We will send a notice when it is up and ready.
PayPal is not going to happen. They do not like our tax-exempt status.
Thank you for attending the meeting tonight! Be safe!
2023 Norfolk Trip Clothing sale

Please see the Online Order page for more information.
Blue Mountain Candle Sale!!
Please see the sale page for more information.
Dec 2022 Winter Flower Sale
Please see the sale page for more information.