Join us for an incredible night with the Red Hot Chilli Pipers featuring our Pipes and Drums at the Easton State Theatre!
Show Date – Saturday March 21, 2020 @ 7:30pm
Location – Easton State Theatre
Ticket Location – Orchestra and limited number of Loge (seating tbd).
Limited number of Seats available.
Ticket Sale:
Start date Sunday 1/26/2020
Sale end date Sunday 2/23/2020 (by midnight)
No late orders!!!
MUST pick up tickets on Tuesday March 10, 2020 at 7pm in the band room prior to the meeting starting at 7:30pm. Payment due at time of pick up! Please make out one check or money order payable to LHSGBOPC
Please note we will do our best to accommodate seating however there will be no guarantee. Loge is limited. If you prefer Loge seating, please email me and I will try my best. It will be first come, first serve, first fit.
Contact Dawn Gross at 484-510-5383 or with questions.